Friday, November 30, 2012

i love breastfeeding

I was looking at Dorothy Hope this morning while she was eating breakfast with the SNS and i was reminded why i love breastfeeding and why i want to keep her on breastmilk for as long as i can....She gave me a milky smile with my nipple still in her mouth and started blowing razberrys :) she must have known that mommy was feeling stressed and that i needed a pick me up...... I want to do what is best for all of my kids and if that means stressing over finding donor milk for her then that is what i will have to do.

We are still in BIG need of milk. We have a mom who is going to meet up with me and give me some milk for Dorothy hope but we are still in need for more. Any drop is a blessing and more then welcomed.

blessings to all 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Is it really worth it? the struggle

Turns out the other day when i came home engorged and had a good pumping session was just a fluke. I have been trying to pump since then and i am now back to my normal .5oz combined from both sides and having to top Dorothy hope off with a few ounces of milk.... now that i am down to my last few bags of milk it has me it worth it? 
   I understand that breast is best and i dont want her on formula because of how it hurts her tummy and causes so many problems but if i cant keep donor milk in the house for her then i dont know what i am going to do......
  I found some moms selling their breastmilk and i wish i had the money to purchase it from them.....hopefully i have another miracle coming my way because otherwise i am going to have to give in.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Something must be working :)

Went to work today as usual and again did t get the chance to pump but one thing different then any other day....... I came home FULLY ENGORGED :) that has never happened..... baby girl just nursed and is milk drunk and doesn't need a top up and I was able to pump and get 3.5oz yay something is working :) hope it keeps up.... still needing donor milk though because we are down to our last couple of bags.... remember any helps :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

our new home
Well we decided to move out of our home for the past 2 years and go somewhere smaller with the hope that it will help us get back on our feet.....I didnt realize how stressful moving is when you have 3 kids. From all the stress of the move (not to mention aunt flow returning) my supply has pretty much become non-existent. I have upped my fenugreek with the hope that it will help..... We have moved to Harrodsburg, KY (40330) and so far everyone who has seen me wear Dorothy or breastfeed her has looked at me funny :( *sigh* hopefully its just for a year.....I have had a couple of mommies help me out tremendously and have donated milk to Dorothy Hope and i have welcomed every drop....No amount is to small :)